Where to Find Games on Demand at Origins

Where can you find Games on Demand at Origins? Right here, in the Hyatt Fairfield Room! New game sessions start at 9 am, 2 pm, and 8 pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and again at 9am on Sunday!

To get into one of our many great games, try to show up 30-60 minutes before the start time to guarantee a spot in the line!

GoD Map - Origins 2016

Origins Food and Drink Map

I made a map for Food and Drink in Columbus for Origins.

This will be especially helpful navigating around the Columbus Pride crowds too! As a Columbus local, these are some of my favorite places to go in the neighborhood just north of the convention center, The Short North!


Origins 2016 – Two Weeks Away!

The Origins Games Fair is held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center
in Columbus, Ohio. Known for it’s friendly mid-west atmosphere, Origins is an absolute blast every year. In 2016 it will be held June 15th – 19th.

The event will take place in the Hyatt-Fairfield room and will run in three sessions each day, from 9am-1pm, 2pm-6pm, and 8pm-midnight on Thursday through Saturday and 9am-1pm on Sunday. There will be LARPs on Demand as well, which are detailed in the main event book!

Stop by with 2 generics per 4 hour game, or buy tickets for timed slots ahead of time. If you want to see what’s on the menu, stop by about 10 minutes before each session and you’ll see what games you’ll have the ability to demand from our talented and friendly GMs. No games are guaranteed to run, but we try our hardest to offer the newest small press games out there!

What games can you expect to see? Here’s a list of likely suspects: Continue reading