The Origins Game Fair is less than three weeks away! We’re gearing up for some fabulous gaming. Games on Demand at Origins this year will feature new small press games, experimental games run by the designers who created them, LongCon games that run multiple sessions, and freeform Larps on Demand! We’re looking forward to gaming with you. Stop by with a few generics, and we’ll guide you to an excellent time.
What games can you expect? Here’s a list of likely suspects:
Dungeon World, Fate Core, Apocalypse World, Swords without Master, Feng Shui 2, Fiasco, InSpectres, Iron Edda, Monsterhearts, Night Witches, Nobilis, The Fifth World, Urban Shadows, Ars Magica, Atomic Robo RPG, Burning Wheel, Clash, Cthulhu Dark, Demons at the Door, Bob’s Brain, Dogs in the Vineyard, Dream Askew, Dresden Files RPG, Durance, Edge of Empire, Fate: Dragonriders!, Gamma World, Geasa, Golden Sky Stories, Heroine, Hexes and Eights, How To Be Human, Itras By, John Moulton, Kingdom, Montsegur 1244, Mouse Guard, Mutanthearts, Night’s Black Agents, Odyssey, Project: Dark, Psi*Run, Silent Night, Souls of Steel, Spark, Tabletop Blockbuster, Terrorform, The Warren, TimeWatch, Torchbearer, Trail of Cthulhu, World Wide Wrestling, Wrath of the Autarch, and more!
Games on Demand will be returning to Gen Con again this year as a premiere event! We’re very excited to be able to offer an array of our favorite games and share them with you. If you’ll be at the show, please drop by to connect with other players, choose from a menu of rules-light, story-rich RPGs and small-scale LARPs and get playing!
Marriott Hotel, Ballroom 6 on the second floor
Thursday – 10am-8pm
Friday – 10am-12am
Saturday – 10am-12am
Sunday – 10am-4pm
What’s Different About GoD This Year?
This year the event will be in the Marriott hotel instead of the convention center, and we will only be accepting generic tickets. We’ll also have more space, a better seating process, more diversity, family-oriented gaming, and freeform larps on demand!
Why Did the Location Change?
Because of the massive swell in attendance at this year’s Gen Con, every space is in short supply. The convention center filled up quickly and we opted to move to the Marriott (just across the Maryland St skywalk from the food court) in order to get a larger space of our own. Our hope is that the ballroom will give us plenty of space to meet demand at peak times.
Why Switch to Generic-only Tickets?
Games on Demand will be an all-generics event this year, meaning that there is no pre-registration available. Every 2-hour session will require one generic ticket, or a ticket from another event of equivalent value.
The purpose of the change is to simplify the process of choosing a game and getting a seat. Removing registration allows us to set aside priority seating and serve every player on a first-come-first-serve basis. We also have plans in the works to make the boarding process as smooth as possible and keep lines short
Why does the program list it as “Zed – Isle of Misfit Events”?
In the past we’ve been listed in the RPG category, and that is still primarily what we’ll be offering. That said, the Gen Con organizers want to make better use of the categories and our event has always been a strange fit. The RPG label is intended for events focused on a single game, rather than a buffet of options.
What’s the Deal with Diversity?
One of our goals is to even further diversify our volunteer team this year, and if you identify as a woman, POC, or are LGBTQ, we would love it if you would consider helping us out!
We also want to create a welcoming environment for players from any background to come play games with us. If you have suggestions or contributions that would help, we’d love to hear from you!
What if I want to help but not GM games?
This year you can sign up as a volunteer who solely does hosting. Hosting is the essential job of greeting potential players and helping them find a game they’ll enjoy. It’s a great way for people to get involved without having to run games.
This all sounds awesome! where do I go to volunteer?
If you’re interested in volunteering (as a GM, a host, or both) just fill out this form:
Even if you’ve already talked to the organizers and you’re on our lists to volunteer, please take a moment and fill out this form so we have it all in one place. Thanks!
I’m so excited! How else can I help?
Thanks for your enthusiasm! Please help us spread the word about the event by sharing this post and asking friends you might know are going to check us out. The move from our old location and the ticketing change are likely to confuse people, so we’re doing everything we can to make sure no one gets disappointed.
Games on Demand will be returning to Gen Con again this year as a premiere event! We’re very excited to be able to offer an array of our favorite games and share them with you. If you’ll be at the show, please drop by to connect with other players, choose from a menu of rules-light, story-rich RPGs and small-scale LARPs and get playing!
What’s Different About GoD This Year?
This year the event will be in the Marriott hotel instead of the convention center, and we will only be accepting generic tickets. We’ll also have more space, a better seating process, more diversity, family-oriented gaming, and freeform larps on demand!
Why Did the Location Change?
Because of the massive swell in attendance at this year’s Gen Con, every space is in short supply. The convention center filled up quickly and we opted to move to the Marriott (just across the Maryland St skywalk from the food court) in order to get a larger space of our own. Our hope is that the ballroom will give us plenty of space to meet demand at peak times.
Why Switch to Generic-only Tickets?
Games on Demand will be an all-generics event this year, meaning that there is no pre-registration available. Every 2-hour session will require one generic ticket, or a ticket from another event of equivalent value.
The purpose of the change is to simplify the process of choosing a game and getting a seat. Removing registration allows us to set aside priority seating and serve every player on a first-come-first-serve basis. We also have plans in the works to make the boarding process as smooth as possible and keep lines short Continue reading
Feelin’ underappreciated? Unloved? Here’s a little snippet from a thread at called “What cool thing are you doing at Gen Con?” to set your heart right:
“The games on demand crew were great last year. I had had trouble with my log in, so had very little booked until the last minute last year. As I live in the UK, this was my first gencon and a bit of a pilgrimage for me. I was worried I was going to end up disappointed in gencon because of my cock up.
But no! I took general tickets to games on demand. They ran me a series of really fun games. They were super friendly and nice even to a total random stranger. I met people who wrote random indie games I buy. I chose someone’s favourite and got to play the oddest and one of the most memorable rp experience I have ever had (lindersfarm). Someone’s dresden file game made me buy both the rpg and the novels. All in all I had a blast, and it was at least 80% due to those guys.
Go check them out. They were great.
Also, if you get to choose what game the gm will run (there are usually 2 options) the choice “whichever you are more passionate about running” is a fine one. I only tried it once and got a truely memorable gaming experience.”