#PaxEast 2014 Games on Demand, Day 2, 3pm

For news and updates about Games on Demand convention events
#PaxEast 2014 Games on Demand, Day 2, 3pm
John Stavropoulos put together another great graphic to show off the Larp on Demand event he and others are putting together for Maelstrom. If you’re in the area and free, you should definitely go to the show and try some great live action games!
GottaCon 2014 was the first year we had Games on Demand in the RPG area. Our GM had Dungeon World, Apocalypse World, Fiasco, and Dread ready to play for anyone looking for a quick session.
We Want You!
Origins Game Fair in Columbus Ohio (happening June 11-15th) is our favorite game convention of the year. Why?
It’s super laid back and fun, and you actually get to hang out with people, eat delicious Columbus food and drink delicious Columbus drinks, and play all of your favorite indie games with all my favorite indie people without running around like mad like at a gigantic convention like Gencon.
Evan Torner, Jim Crocker, and Kira Magrann are organizing Indie Games on Demand again this year!
Here’s what we’ll have this year:
– A new streamlined signup process
– An amazing team of GMs and players
– The hot new small press and independently designed games you want to try
– Support for people new to gaming and GMing
– Jeni’s Ice cream
– The awesomeness that is the indie/storygaming/people that like edgy and new games community
We could use your help!
If you’re interested in GMing:
If you run four games you can get a free badge!
Fill out this survey:Â https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=dFdnR2dJaWNhd3hIb3cyYzJEa0RLakE6MA#gid=0
If you’re interested in attending:
Check out the Origins website, and Indie Games on Demand site on Facebook!
Bring on the Diversity!
One of our goals is to even further diversify our GM team this year, and if you identify as a woman, POC, or are LGBTQ, we would love it if you would consider helping us out!
Alternately, if you can’t make it, please help us spread the word by sharing this post on your social media, and asking friends you might know are going to check us out.
Thanks friends! Game on!
Indie Games on Demand at Origins
We Want You!
Origins Game Fair in Columbus Ohio is my favorite game convention of the year. Why?
It’s super laid back and fun, and I actually get to hang out with people, eat delicious Columbus food and drink delicious Columbus drinks, and play all of my favorite indie games with all my favorite indie people without running around like mad like at a gigantic convention like Gencon.
Evan Torner Jim Crocker and I are organizing Indie Games on Demand again this year!
We’ll have:
– A new streamlined signup process
– An amazing team of GMs and players
– The hot new small press and independently designed games you want to try
– Support for people new to gaming and GMing
– Jeni’s Ice cream
– The awesomeness that is the indie/storygaming/people that like edgy and new games community
We could use your help!
If you’re interested in GMing:
If you run four games you can get a free badge!
Fill out this survey: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=dFdnR2dJaWNhd3hIb3cyYzJEa0RLakE6MA#gid=0
If you’re interested in attending:
Check out the Origins website, and Indie Games on Demand site on Facebook!
One of my goals is to even further diversify our GM team this year, and if you identify as a woman, POC, or are LGBTQ, I would love it if you would consider helping us out!
Alternately, if you can’t make it, and I understand life and things, please help us spread the word by sharing this post on your social media, and asking friends you might know are going to check us out.
Thanks friends! Game on!