Origins 2018 Games on Demand Numbers

Thanks to everyone who came out to join us in Columbus for Origins 2018, and to all of our excellent volunteers for making the event a success! As usual, we’ve assembled our session records and wanted to share them with you.

If you’d like to give us your feedback about your experience with Games on Demand, we invite you to fill out our feedback survey!

If you had a good time at the show and want to support Games on Demand in the future, we encourage you to join us as a volunteer at an upcoming show or consider throwing us a donation for supplies!

If you’re interested in staying on top of upcoming events, please join our mailing list.

We will be seeking interested game facilitators for Origins 2019 already in August, because hotel rooms go live already in September.

If you’d like to sign up to volunteer for Gen Con Games on Demand, we are still taking submissions!

Overall Numbers

This year we seated 493 players in 107 games with a staff of roughly 44 volunteers, not including several who stepped in to help run games during the show.

In 2017, we seated 454 players in 99 games with a staff of 38 GMs.
In 2016, we seated 605 players in 121 games with a staff of 46 GMs.
In 2015, we seated 463 players in 103 games with a staff of 36 GMs.
In 2014, we seated 457 players in 101 games with staff of 44 GMs.

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Gen Con 2018 – Call for Volunteers

Gen Con Games on Demand Logo

The Call for Gen Con Volunteers is Now Open!

If you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to sign up for Gen Con Games on Demand, the time is now! This event will take place in Indianapolis, IN, August 2-5, 2018. We hope that you’ll join us and help to make this year our best event so far!

To sign up, just fill out this form:

Once you sign up, we’ll add your email to our volunteer mailing list and follow up with more information soon, including a request to gather details about the games you want to run. Read on for more details about the event!

Continue reading is looking for GMs (August 24-26 2018) is looking for GMs (August 24-26 2018)

This year’s theme is late 20th century Retrofuturism (think but not limited to; Cyberpunk, Satanic Panic, Tales from the loop, and retro tabletop gaming). If you run games in other genres we love you too and will schedule you, but we do want to promote this years theme.

Please submit an event at You will receive a GM badge for everyday to volunteer 4 hours or more, and access to the volunteer lounge.