One Week to Gen Con Games on Demand!

Gen Con 2013 is now only one week away, and our Games on Demand event this year will be bigger and better than ever! The event will be held in the Convention Center on the second floor overlooking the Exhibitor Hall in room 237. We’ll be running games from 10am-midnight on Thursday through Saturday and 10am-4pm on Sunday. Come play with us!


If you’d like to print copies of this map to hand out, take this 2-up version, and our thanks!

Gencon Indie Games on Demand: GM Tutorial and Q+A

In case you missed it last night: Gencon Indie Games on Demand: GM Tutorial and Q+A

We’ll be covering all this again on Wednesday night at Gencon as well!

We talked about:

– how signups work

– how to prepare for your games

– what you’re responsible for as Host or GM

– pitching games to players

– teaching rules

– time management

– our harassment policy

– what to do about problems

– 2 and 4 hour time slots

– adult and queer content

– how much time to spend on intros

– and more!

Live action games at Gen Con!

Live action games at Gen Con!

This is only tangentially related to GoD but if you are into GoD this may excite you. Also we may poach GoD space after hours if that is possible.

There are a bunch of us who are really into focused live action games, American Freeform, parlor larps and the like, and we are all bringing crazy stuff to try out and share. I’d like to discuss this, make some rough plans, figure out the logistics, and see who is interested.

At Origins this year there was a Jeepform sampler (Previous Occupants and Lady & Otto), a session of The Tribunal, and my big game Sirai got run twice. At Gen Con there will be more people and more game!

So: If you are bringing stuff you’d like to run, shout it out here. If you definitely want to try some live action games, shout out here. If you have a line on a good play space … shout out here.