Freeform Larps on Demand at Gen Con

god_gen_con_logoDid you know that this year you can pre-register for Freeform Larps on Demand? You can, and you should!

Gen Con Event Registration – Freeform Larps on Demand

Come try a variety of short, live-action games that blend LARP & tabletop gaming to produce amazing stories with a small group. Our diverse GMs will introduce you to some of the great freeform live-action games developed over the years around the world. These games aren’t your traditional boffer larp, but instead blend larp and tabletop gaming, allowing you to physically embody your character and play out a story with a small group.

Scenarios will be chosen by players at the beginning of the session. Nothing required but a sense of adventure!

GoD Gen Con 2016: Call for Volunteers!

Games on Demand - Gen Con

The time has come to officially sign up for Games on Demand at Gen Con! We’re looking for people to help us welcome attendees, organize seating, and run games for enthusiastic players!

The show runs from August 4 to August 7, 2016, and we’ll be running games from Thursday through Sunday morning. Free badges are available for those volunteering for 16 or more hours.

If you’re interested in joining us, fill out this form and let us know!

Diversity is an important part of Games on Demand so we especially encourage women, people of color, and gamers of all ages, genders, races, and backgrounds to join us! We’ll provide training and support as needed.

This year we are hoping to really get the word out and fill our tables- with both volunteers and players- to help us justify the fantastic space we’ve been enjoying for the last few years. Even if you can’t volunteer, we hope we’ll see you there as a player and that you’ll mention it to your friends.

Please share this post and link with anyone you think would like to join us!

Gen Con Games on Demand Starts This Week!

In just two days, starting at 10am on Thursday, the Games on Demand crew will be running a huge selection of their favorite games! If you’ll be at Gen Con, come join us in the Marriott Downtown Hotel, Ballroom 6 on the second floor!

What games are we running? See for yourself!

Larp Track Game Menus

Tabletop Game Menus

(Fair warning, the tabletop PDF is nearly 7MB because it’s packed full of games.)

Follow @Games_On_Demand on Twitter for news during the show. We hope to see you there!