Indie Games on Demand at PAX Prime 2011

Are you coming to PAX Prime? Interested in some awesome table-top games? Come check out the Indie Games on Demand area! We’ll have six tables running a variety of great indie games with experienced players and designers to run them. This all happens in Room 306 in a special corner of the open gaming space. The event is sponsored by Gamma Ray Games who will have a booth (#6112) in the exhibit space nearby.

Here are just a few of the games you can expect to find at Games on Demand this year:
Fiasco, Dungeon World, Burning Wheel, Lady Blackbird, shock:, Microscope, Apocalypse World, Mouse Guard, InSpectres, Blowback, Dogs in the Vineyard, and whatever else we can fit in!

For many of those games we’ll also have the designers hanging out from time to time, so if you want to play with them, pick their brain, or tell them what they did wrong, this is the place.

If you’re interested in running games yourself, drop us a line or sign up here!

For more information, follow @pax_indie_rpgs and @GammaRayGames on Twitter.

Come out and play some games with us!